Jul 6, 2009

I can't save every stray cat Mel!

"I can't save every stray cat Mel".  

Profound advice from my mother.  

In 2004, I graduated and took the first job offered to me.  A friend approached me and asked for financial help.  This was the thought going through my head.  *I trust this guy  and I will help him, after all I can afford it.*  I handed him the cash that day itself.  This wasn't the first time I've helped people out with whatever I can.  Not necessarily money. 

I never sat down and wondered is it cause I can't say no or I can't accept their *possibly negative thoughts of me if i reject them and say no or is it the whole superwoman complex, I-will-save-you syndrome?  Whatever the reason, I help and help with whatever I can, but it got to a point where I said to myself, 'Wait a minute if I help this guy with my time, I will have no time for myself and I kinda need that time', or 'If i give this guy money to feed his family I'm not going to have much'.  I had gotten myself in a situation of helping other people to the point where I didn't have much left (be it money or time and energy!)

It started getting to me cause I felt *guilty for saying NO.  For not helping.

Frustrated and down, I called my mother and told her my dilemma.  I remember asking her, 'Ma how do you do it?  How do I say NO?  How can you NOT help people?  She listened and replied, 'The same reason why I can't save every stray cat living in the streets Mel.' Said my mother who is a cat lover.  

She has faith and trusts the cycle of life.  She has faith that the street cats were smart and cunning enough to survive in the streets.  

*I paused and said my good byes*

As usual, I sat and digested it for a while.  

If she did save every cat she saw....she would be the stereotype of the old lady and a thousand cats in her house with a funky smell which can shock your sense of smell a block away!

*I got it ma.  

Its ok for me to say NO, I got to learn I'm not superwoman.  
I must learn to have faith that life has its challenges and that the universe will do what it has to do.  If I don't help out life still goes and to just trust the  universe.  

That's the easy part.  The challenging part for me has been letting go of the guilt.  It can be heavy on my chest.  In time it gets lighter and eventually the heaviness is gone.  

*A few days ago, a stray cat was found in the parking lot.  There in a little dark corner, was a mother cat and her 2 babies. I automatically jumped to the rescue.....(We can't just do nothing!)

Without hesitation I looked for her.  As soon as I saw her I thought we have to do something. Lets take her in!

But I realized this might be a problem since our building has a strict No animal policy.  How can we take care of the cat and kittens?

Who can take care of them? Who loves cats so much that is willing to take care of them?

 *Speed Dial *mother*  Two minutes into the conversation she reminded me ...."We can't save every stray cat!"

I didn't take the white mommy cat and her 2 kittens in.  I've grudgingly accepted that they can't come home with us.  

I did the next best thing.  Leave food and water for the mother...........twice a day.

Jul 1, 2009


I have two blogs.  
I stopped writing for more than a year.  and i'm back :D  *doing the running man cause i got my writing groove back*

When I started again on this blog....i was thinking about the feedback from a reader/friend of mine.  Han said that my text is too small and i need more pictures.  So  1.5 years later (better late than never) I did something with his feedback so......
.....I created a new blog  lesstextmorevisuals.blogspot.com.  The URL says it all.  More pictures and less text....of the stuff I love.  

Muchas Gracias Han
P.S.  As for the small text.  I like it small

Our prayers.

Start to a usual unemployed morning.  No bath  and go straight for the internet.  
Mail ...check
Twitter....check  (hated it and thought it was useless...now i have 2 twitter accounts..swallowing foot in my mouth)
Online newspaper ......check

My friend Jenny (who married one of my good friends) was chatting away with me online.  
The conversation wasn't one of those 'hello, how are you?...and then *conversation left hanging*

It was a meaningful conversation about our plans for our careers, her plans to relocated to KL (currently she's in Ipoh) and about what we really want to do *eventually*.  That if we died tomorrow, what would our contribution have been.  

She wanted to do missionary work.  Currently a nurse.  She's in the profession of giving and assisting.  From what I hear, she's a great nurse.  But her gut tells her her calling is mission work.  It makes her feel good *alive*.

She had to log off and catch some Z's...and she ended the conversation in a way I've almost never heard someone say to me.  

'Lets keep each other in our prayers'.

This statement 'woke my soul up' this morning.  
Usually its

Gtg  or
talk to you later.....n

*Thinking* No one has said that to me at the end of a conversation.   And i think of the people in my age group and how we end our conversation.....and i look at our lifestyle.

Where did the faith and spirituality go?  Where did the concept of prayer go?  Where for a few minutes we center and ground ourselves and believe and trust.  And why did we stop sharing this positive energy with each other (sharing in a respectful non overly preachy way).  

Its not only about praying 5 times a day, or going to temple, or sunday church, its also about reiki, meditation, C&E or whatever your choice is.  A state of mind that creates positivity and clarity and you share that with others - wishing on others peace harmony or a state of being that gives clarity.

Jenny and I from different faiths, but I get the intent.  So i replied

"I will have you and your husband in my prayers as well."  Another way of me saying "Wa alaikum assalaam" And upon you be peace.

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