Jan 24, 2010

My life's' philosophy - 3 L's and an E and a C (after E)

Cause that's the core of everything positive.  Love work, self, God, Family, friends, health and everything else in between.

If not now then when?

Life is too short to be all serious and imaged out! When I can't laugh at myself....i know i gotta check myself

Cause food unites people and its great for my soul  IT is my life's mission to appreciate great food  ;)  

I color my soul and everything else that i'm attached to, with color.  It makes life vibrant interesting and everything has to have that pizzaz with color.  Pink and turquoise and red are my pick me up colors  :)

Jan 8, 2010

As strong as your weakest link?

I have met many types of people from all over the world. I have experienced a whole spectrum of personalities.

And when the going gets tough people reach their breaking point and the not so "pretty side" of them comes out.

"They" (who ever 'they' maybe) say that the true colors of someone comes out when they show the ugly side of them. This is true. You can see someone's true colors, when you see how they respond to pressure, challenges and hardships.

However this point of view I believe is just 1/2 of it. What about the true colors of a person when they are in contribution, when they are kind and loving. That also shows the true colors of a person.

Though I have my 'bitching' sessions about certain few....complaining about their not so colorful true colors...they to have their moments where they really come out looking like a hero.

You know the saying 'you are as strong as your weakest link' that may be true....however i like to see it from a 'glass 1/2 full' point of view.  'You are as strong as your strongest link and weak as your weakest link'.

The duality of life is in everything.

Today....see everything from the duality of life. If you see hate....take a look at peace.  If you see peace don't be complacent...remind yourself of war so that you work on peace to ensure it lasts forever. 

**This entry has been saved as a draft for weeks.  Today after all the 'crap' going on in Kuala Lumpur, with the unfortunate incidences of ignorant backlash by vandalizing churches I thought to finally publish this post**

A lot of negativity, passionate FB status messages, people joining FB groups to support and not support this issue......let us all start with ourselves and make a change.  Channel that passion, that anger into useful positive action that takes our nation 10 steps forward again.  

Malaysia..let utilize our strengths as a multiracial society....by creating positive changes with one intention....give love.  This isn't the pretty side of Malaysia....lets use our strengths to have peace amongst EVERYONE.   

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