an excerpt from my sketch book ' of thoughts and images of my (sub)conscious mind'
you are my minds' adventure your words your being makes me seek deeper in my complex thoughts
your mind makes me filter my thoughts...getting rid of the superficiality your words your being is my muse
your mind brings me delight your words your being brings me in a state of wild abandon where i give myself completely to the world and i experience living to its peak
your mind makes me feel lucky your words your being makes me feel that I'm in a state of abundance, where what i source for is given to me freely from the universe
your mind makes me feel alive again your words your being has awaken my senses, my desires to freely express myself
Recently, I was compelled to compliment an acquaintance on his amazing works of art. Why i did this? Cause I felt that I just couldn't not let him know how I felt about it.....and I believe all artists in their own right deserves open acknowledgment, appreciation and feedback.
I was looking for an appropriate word to express how i felt about his masterpieces, was looking for a word that described the emotion that i was feeling.....and the only word was L O V E
I find it perplexing why using this word is shunned upon...and why is giving a compliment and using this word so difficult for so many.
I've been brainwashed...made to suppress emotions, feelings....only to express myself in the 'safe zone'. Not too much (till the point of getting noticed) and not too little (so that i don't end up a wallpaper). As corney as it sounds like that BEP song..where is the love?
I read the newspapers....and there's always news of random acts of violence.....what about RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS? After all my belief that the root of random acts of kindness is L O V E. Why isn't that stressed upon?
What happened to compliments are given freely and the word love is used without shame or embarrassment.
Practice random acts of it in a form of a compliment, picking up trash, recycling, or helping someone cross the street......practice the verb 'to love'
The love is here, there and everywhere....and love comes in many different shapes and forms...and a 'thing', and a 'doing'...and a 'being' an emotion and state of mind.
So in the end.....I told this acquaintance......I love his work. As complex as it was in my mind.....using the word love made it alot easier to explain.
After 12 days working my booty off in Sandakan was ready to just cancel my trip to Kota Kinabalu to I can come back to the peninsular, Kuala Lumpur and just sleep and rest in the comfort of my own home.
After an acquaintance convinced me to stay in KK, I stayed.
I loved my trip, love the city and the people
The unexpected highlight of my trip. Falling in love with the people there. Its the people that make a place special...the ambience, the vibes people give out in a place that makes it cozy or relaxing. I loved that few days cause the people were so 'chilled out'.
I'm WAS one of those that went on vacation and was so obsessed over documenting it, with at least 3 cameras sometimes 5, a digital, my B&W SLR, and the few lomos. I was so tired from walking around in the market in KK town that i decided to just go to the back and just park my ass there. Then IT hit me.....*this is there that light bulb above my head suddenly lights up* It was such a great somewhat liberating feeling. I was always so caught up with taking pictures to capture the so called 'moment'...however I was never 'in the moment'. I was the type that hardly stopped and smelled the 'roses' when on vacation. The last time was my trip to Bali with the parentals.
I enjoyed just sitting there taking pictures with only my phone camera....of random kids and people and I thought to long has it been that i truly was relaxed on vacation and just chilled and soaked everything in?.....the answer to that was HARDLY EVER ...its been too long....was very happy my friend convinced me to stay *thinking*
So what can i get out of this trip and apply it to my life. I realize that its not the amount of relationships (be it with God, family, friends, the universe, nature etc) but the quality of it. Which got me much time and effort do i really invest in my relationships so that its an amazing, positive fun one? Yes yes...I've heard the quotation an million and 1 times "quality not quantity" that i have experienced it....i get it. With my hectic life of 18 years, moving around the world, with so many experiences....what is it that i crave and look for? (I ask this way to intense question to myself all the time)
Though my thoughts are complex...I crave for the simplicity in life (and the way i live my life) and the simplicity in my relationships with God, the universe, nature, my nation, the world, con mi familia y mis amigos....and most importantly with myself.
A long while back...a friend of mine gave me feedback about my blog
its intense the letters are too small and need more pictures
so i shall put up a picture of a person in my life which brings utter joy to the family
Armand L.S. 17-6-2007
Currently at 6 kg...this 'montel' bundle of joy posing with his first 'cow' teddy stuffed animal which his uber cool aunt gave him. He's the first new male addition of the 3rd generation of the family......first grandson lah.
At 3 months he is at that phase where he's making baby noises and his eyes can start to focus. And when we talk to him he starts smiling and laughing.
How my heart melted when i was away for just 2 weeks for work...and come back to a bigger and noisier Armand. I have given this multiracial nephew of mine...3 names
Chinese - pronounced ah man Malay - ar man Spanish name - ar mando
So as he grows older to a legal age.....i auntie Mel......will introduce him to the world of piercings. In the mean time.....when he's old enough..i will spoil him silly and draw and paint with him all day long :D
These are my thoughts, observations, opinions, experiences and beliefs. I don't spell check. Minimum requirements : some form of intelligence, a sense of humour, the ability to laugh at your good self, open mind and an understanding and appreciation for sarcasm, Good day...