Sep 18, 2007

Random Acts of LOVE.....

Recently, I was compelled to compliment an acquaintance on his amazing works of art. Why i did this? Cause I felt that I just couldn't not let him know how I felt about it.....and I believe all artists in their own right deserves open acknowledgment, appreciation and feedback.

I was looking for an appropriate word to express how i felt about his masterpieces, was looking for a word that described the emotion that i was feeling.....and the only word was

I find it perplexing why using this word is shunned upon...and why is giving a compliment and using this word so difficult for so many.

I've been brainwashed...made to suppress emotions, feelings....only to express myself in the 'safe zone'. Not too much (till the point of getting noticed) and not too little (so that i don't end up a wallpaper). As corney as it sounds like that BEP song..where is the love?

I read the newspapers....and there's always news of random acts of violence.....what about
RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS? After all my belief that the root of random acts of kindness is L O V E. Why isn't that stressed upon?

What happened to compliments are given freely and the word love is used without shame or embarrassment.

Practice random acts of it in a form of a compliment, picking up trash, recycling, or helping someone cross the street......practice the verb '
to love'

The love is here, there and everywhere....and love comes in many different shapes and forms...and a 'thing', and a 'doing'...and a 'being' an emotion and state of mind.

So in the end.....I told this acquaintance......I love his work. As complex as it was in my mind.....using the word love made it alot easier to explain.

Art by Hugh MacLeod.  


Anonymous said...

I love, this entire post.

Simply deep.
If not, deeply simple.

thewailer said...

dispelled all myth, this entry.

Mo said...

simply not enough of it in this world...

mel*r said...

“The wise are wise only because they love. The fool are fools only because they think they can understand love.”
Paolo Coelho

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