Aug 28, 2009


I have a deck of Journey Cards.  And when I am totally overwhealmed or feeling stressed.  I shuffle the deck of cards, calm myself and focus.  I select 3 cards.  (There is no 'right' way to select the cards..i just close my eyes and go with my gut and pick 3)

Its funny how the universe talks to me.  There are always 3 or 4 cards that are always selected.  
But then out of the blur today I got a card which got me thinking. ...I share an excerpt from the courage card.  

The willingness to experience your own vulnerability and find the strength in it: that is true courage.  

When I gather my imaginary balls and work up the nerves to face whatever it is...its a great accomplishment when I don't fall flat on my face and actually do well.......then there are those moments where I do fall flat on my face and have the 'scars' to prove it.  

It is when shit hits the fan...i fall flat on my face and reach the lowest of low.....And by day....I make my situation better and better.  

To be open is where I am the strongest and is when I have courage not knowing what I am being open to.  

Man in strong and has courage when he allows himself to be vulnerable to the world, man is a coward when he refuses to be open and maintains control.  

1 comment:

Azalia Suhaimi said...

"Man in strong and has courage when he allows himself to be vulnerable to the world, man is a coward when he refuses to be open and maintains control."

true that :)

And this is a beautiful entry!

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